Tomory Dodge @ Alison Jacques

Contemporary and Old Art Reviews

Tomory Dodge @ Alison Jacques

Postby CAP » Mon Apr 14, 2014 12:46 pm

Tom gets into squeegees or other ways of scraping back the paint in another series of large gestural abstracts. Take Rain Parade (2013) for instance. He’s been at this sort of structure for a while now, using other tools, last show I think, big on symmetry, if memory serves….What can I say? I preferred the early eco-landscape stuff. :cry:

There’s nothing wrong with it - all quite pleasant and undemanding – and there’s a legion of younger American painters all sold on abstraction as fairly hermetic territory – Jerry Saltz slammed them somewhere… was it The Nation? No, actually it was NYMag's The Vulture. Anyway unexciting stuff this. My worst fears are Dodge has stagnated. Shame, but it happens. :roll:

Time to get back to nature Tom!
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