zmas for the nth time

Contemporary and Old Art Reviews

zmas for the nth time

Postby jasperjoffe » Mon Dec 23, 2013 11:04 pm

Zmas (xmas for the zth time) I hate Zmas. The end of the year, stuck in the sauna of old familial relationships, the freedom to repeat yourself forever, the longrunning mousetrap of life that terminates at the station of death, enjoy the ride and mind the gap. Jesus. Zmas sums up all the worst of humanity: conformity, cupidity, and crap. No more zmases please. Let's have a moratorium, a ceasefire, a cessation of festivities/hostilities. Give up pretending we like to be in the same room, cold turkey, small tv sets, and the frantic indoctrination of the children in capitalism and waiting and wanting. No more, we don't like it, we're alienated, thank god, so we can give up on Victorian sentimentality and the notion that electric light and aeroplanes haven't freed us from the winter gloom. After Zmas, Nyear, worse upon wurst, forced friendship and jolliness, the fascism of parties!Happy Zmas! Happy Nyear.
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