Joffe et Pye

Contemporary and Old Art Reviews

Joffe et Pye

Postby mrharrypye » Sun Jul 31, 2011 1:29 pm

I know writing a review of a show that you're half resposible for is probably unwise but that's what I'm going to do...

I find it very hard not to smile every time I walk into Plough Yard and see a gigantic cardboard wendy house covered in crazy Snoopy drawings. The work is a collaboration between Jasper and his six year old daughter Alba. Her bits are probably the most heart warming. I also feel happy when I see all his plant pots and flowers. As you enter "Chateau Joffe" you come face to face with a life sized self portrait of Jasper. The painting has a Julian Schnabel feel about it. I don't know when he completed this work it but he's slimmer in real life than he is in the painting. I think Jasper's best paintings in the show are of Alba. One of them, "Hello Kitty" reminds me of the kind of paintings Bruce Mclean was making in the 80s. I like the way Jasper uses red, blue and orange in this painting - It makes me want to go home and do some painting myself. Looking at my painting of coloured squares makes me feel happy too but I've gone off two stripe paintings that seemed a good idea at the time. I collaborated with Rowland Smith on a work called "The Power of Suggestion" which is made up of 16 little paintings and a frame made by my father. The little paintings are all of magazine covers that I'd like to be on. Mick Jagger once said "As long as they put me on the cover, I don't care what they say about me on page 28". I've always liked this quote. I think the idea for the work came to me after seeing the film King of Comedy which ends with the main chracter on the cover of every magazine at the newstand. I look at the painting now and it still makes me smile my friend Rowland wanted us to do more work on it but I think we got it right. The previous project Jasper and I undertook was our take on Tate Modern in which we recreated as many of the our favourite works from the Tate collection as possible and also made a shop and had guest artists and lecturers. There was more work in that show than this one but for some reason this project seemed more like hard work to do. There were lots of things connected to "Joffe et Pye" that aren't on display. I would have liked to exhibit the promotional photos of Jasper and I posing in Soho. I think our You Tube film of Alba putting up the work was also very good - maybe we should have included more things like that? Maybe I'm just having these doubts as it's the morning after the private view and I'm quite badly hung over? I think we did pretty well and have a lot to be proud about. I never thought I'd exhibit non figurative paintings and now I'm keen to do more. "Joffe et Pye" feels like another chapter in the Jasper and Harry story - i think it's been a good one.
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Re: Joffe et Pye

Postby jasperjoffe » Wed Aug 03, 2011 7:27 pm

the show improves the more messy the house gets
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