Jerwood Gallery in Hastings opens with Rose Wylie

Contemporary and Old Art Reviews

Jerwood Gallery in Hastings opens with Rose Wylie

Postby jasperjoffe » Mon Apr 09, 2012 5:23 pm

Firstly art is good. I welcome a new gallery. It has got natural light and nicely proportioned spaces and views of the sea. All good and not givens, sometimes people make galleries horrible lightless dead boxes.

The rose wylie show is ok, nothing amazing, nice to see older artists getting a turn in the sun (rarely seen in hastings), but the paintings are motif driven henry darger lite, sort of too knowing, not bad, not great art. The Jerwood collection could be better, they should buy some seascapes, more LS Lowry perhaps, to show by the sea, aren't there basements full of british art mouldering at the tate.

The cafe is modern british not extortionate, I didnt eat anything substantial, the lemon drizzle cake was ok on a drizzly day. The entrance fee is £7 like the cinema, and much cheaper for local residents.

Most things are right, and art is britain's boom industry, just revenge for all the lazy selfindulgent artist stereotypes. We just need more good art. Come on artists (and note to self).
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Re: Jerwood Gallery in Hastings opens with Rose Wylie

Postby CAP » Tue Apr 10, 2012 11:58 am

I share your reservations about Rose. But she's sort of staked out her niche and knows how to remain within it. It's all wather bwittle of course. Actually I'm reminded of NYC artist Donald Baechler, another shrewd faux-naif. Same Neo-Ex meets the under 9s aesthetic. Although in recent times Don has tightened up a bit, now working the heavy black outline graphics bit. Don shows @ Cheim & Read - they're blue chip. I think Rose goes over quite well in NYC, as well.

Maybe the Jerwood @ Hastings could borrow some Alfred Wallaces to get that sea connection going. The Tate could probably loan it some. They'd sit well with Rose. :)
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