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Re: REVIEW OF THE YEAR "2009", the noughties decade etc blah ...

From:     CAP
Category: Art
Date:     01 January 2010
Time:     11:28 PM


I was just thinking how The Sopranos perfectly reflected Bush’s Amerika for the era, and that a Brit 
equivalent would do the same for the Blair regime. 

Bliar differed from GWB in approach and substance, but was hardly less wrong or guilty. 

But where do you find popular entertainment mirroring his lies and evasion? His naïve belief in spin 
and PR? The discreet perversion of justice and governance? 

I’ve concluded The Office was the perfect vehicle for an ideology that promised everyone a place in 
middle management, blithely ignored the realities of the market and worshipped the peripheral, the 
disposable and ecologically unsound. 

The Office and The Sopranos seem odd bedfellows – but this is the challenge I’m throwing down to 
programme producers/writers – a marriage there would take us places we need to go now, or at least 

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