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Gravity Sucks by Simon Faithful at BFI Gallery Space until Sept 20th

From:     Vastin Pance
Category: Art
Date:     06 September 2009
Time:     04:10 PM


Simon Faithfull , any relation to Marian Faithfull?; I sit and watch as clouds go by ...  Until
September 20th Simon Faithfull's Gravity Sucks is on display at the BFI Gallery space beside the
lovely lovely BFI southbank Shop. I saw the oblique Jane and Louise Wilsons echobeat outake of
Stanley Kubrick's (Spice Oddity) which, indeed Sucked but not as hard as the gravitational pull that
Marianne and Mick's boy, Simon experienced with his rather too knowing attempts at flight via
balloonacy and to a large degree (it must be said) Whimsey.
I hope no one is offended by these findings, I speak from the lips of a bottle of truth. Simon ! My
dear boy, all that potential is lovely to witness and I'm sure , even better to personally
experience...however, you Simon are a very interesting subject but mostly of interest to
yourself...Now don't go thinking no-one is interested in your whimsical ideas as they are quite nice.
The best thing I've seen in this little anti room Gallery is something by Patrick Kieller, it was
spellbinding and consisted mostly if not entirely of old film footage, I enjoyed something else
shortly after that , definately of ethnic interest but largely forgetable, so Simon...and I do not
take these things lightly ,Please be aware that the idea of "Potential" is paramount in the content
of your presentations and not in the inconclusive nature of something that is about as suggestive as 

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