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London Painting Blog Spot

From:     Frank
Category: Art
Date:     29 June 2009
Time:     02:09 PM


Like bad drugs, reading the london painting blog spot leaves an insidious feeling of horror vacuii . 
Not because of the obvious tardy casualness of its contributions, the futile needy schadenfreude of its 
critiques , nor even the unsubstantiated musings of its armchair aestheticians . It is simply that most 
of the opinions expressed should never be made public. Why? Because unless you're able to keep 
your internalised responses internal, and you're able to value your internal responses for what they 
are ( that is to say, subjective ), painting is always going to be a meaningless activity anyway. If you 
want to pontificate in public, panjarandjums, write some proper criticism , or else, shut the fuck up and 
stop polluting cyberspace with your tedious reactions.

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