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waltzing with bashir a film

From:     arty film reviews
Category: Art
Date:     05 January 2009
Time:     05:41 AM


Good/bad timing to watch this as Israel re-invades Gaza. You feel like Israel needs a better PR 
company in Europe or better start acting nicer before it loses all support. The thing is people like a 
good guy and a bad  guy, and although Israel are by no means the worst guy, they are now the bully 
and bete-noire of the chattering classes. 
This film is all right, a bit overhyped, seems like it might end up more profound than it does. I came 
out feeling jumpy and anxious, but that might be too much coffee, or too much massacre. Someone 
asked what I had seen, and I forgotten the title, which made me seem suspicious, I then joked that I 
was traumatised and repressing it. The joke fell flat.

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