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waiting for Hockney a documentary about billy pappas

From:     art tv reviews
Category: Art
Date:     24 December 2008
Time:     01:47 PM


A doc about a guy who spent 10 years drawing a picture of Marilyn Monroe with a magnifying glass 
and then  wants to show it to David Hockney. Pointless huh, pointillism sort of. Available to watch on 
4OD channels 4's iplayer. The question of artists, especially amateurs wanting approval from 
someone, anyone is interesting. It is a stage we all go through, or never get over, wanting someone, 
anyone, a set of criteria, to tell us whether our art is any good. Unfortunately the truth which the doc 
never gets at is that no-one reallly can (except the market, which is no longer looking so infallible) in 
the end we are left doing cos we do it, or cos we've made up our own criteria, become our own judge. 
As a documentary it is thin, there is nothing of the drawing, and it all become a pointless whimsical 
silly quest to meet Ockney, we are told so that he can introduce Pappas to someone who may help 
him or something. We meet his lovable hail marying family, and it all becomes sentimental and a bit 
like a restaurant makeover show. Hockney is underwhelmed as you knew he would be, really detailed 
pencil drawings (one example) are never that amazing even if done really slowly. 

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