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Martin Zet - Deadly serious with barrel of milk

From:     Martin van Cat
Category: Exhibitions
Date:     30 May 2008
Time:     07:36 AM


Divus Unit 30 presents
Martin Zet - Deadly serious with barrel of milk
16th May - 1st July

Open Wen-Sat 2-8pm 
or by appointment: +44 (0) 79 5114 3916

Divus Unit 30
3rd Floor, North Entrance, Cremer Business Centre
37 Cremer Street, Shoreditch
London E2 8HD

A dead-serious manifesto of old pricks

Aware that, considering all our previous actions and our age, there is little that can discredit us more. 
So in a dead-end situation, but conscious. 

We think:

That nothing will be the way it used to be. That the state of things is considerably more serious than 
the most serious of estimates. There is no sense in talking about these things.

When we’re happy, our joy is a mere shadow of the hapiness. Our laugh is an absent-minded hysteric 
grimace. Our humor is embarrassing because… it just is. We do not like, and we do not love. We are 
weeds of skepticism, irony and scorn.

With all responsibility that has been always denied to us, we swear:

That what we are, we’ll remain in the long run. We will hurt our friends and those dear to us. We will 
press to tears those that love us. We belittle everything positive and sully everything beautiful. We 
bring ourselves to even worse state than we’re in now. All means of salvation and offers of help we’ll 
use against ourselves.

That should be enough.

Ivan Mečl

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