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the new series of the apprentice bbc 1 wednesdays

From:     telly savalas
Category: TV
Date:     27 March 2008
Time:     05:51 AM


Liked the class arguments. It seems like a posh voice is a real handicap these days, it almost 
invalidates anything you might say, that's why Cameron has to moderate his accent. It's good in a 
way, the ruling classes have become the buffoons of reality tv, while still holding onto most of their 
power in the real world. The spikey haired catalogue models footballing salesmen types are always 
considered more credible regardless of merit.  A highlight was posh first to go barrister accusing 
team leader of being uneducated/cultured and spiky haired salesman furiously replying "I was 
privately educated." As though having paid for it makes it better or actual (for counter arguments see 
prostitution).  What a world.

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