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the crash

From:     solomon gherski
Category: Art
Date:     14 December 2007
Time:     06:46 AM


Ask a property investor whether the market is going to collapse and they will say I don't know showing 
the palms of their hands to indicate agnosticism, and then tell you why the demand for property in 
central london will stay strong: supply and demand, immigration etc. The thing is we have had it so 
good for so long we forget the fun of downturn, disquiet, repossessions, rioting, xenophobia, 
revolution. The super rich, the billionaires, no longer seeming quite so magical. And we can stop 
invading other countries and exaggerating a global islamist conspiracy, we can even slow down on 
the torture and artfairs and reduction of basic liberties. You know when an unemployed artist can get 
a mortgage that something is wrong in the system. It's like a paperboy giving stock tips. So what went 
up will fall, and every rich and poor idiot will panic, and stuff (investments?) will get cheaper and rich 
people will buy again, and after a few years unemployed bankrupts will be getting mortgages again, 
and we will start the music all over.

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