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Michael Clayton - A Film

From:     Coldy
Category: Films
Date:     16 October 2007
Time:     05:58 PM


The third film I've seen at the cinema in 3 years, but really the cinema is not the place for me, I am 
accustomed to chatting and commenting through films and without that this one certainly didn't hold 
my attention. I can't even remember what happened my review now will have to be of vague 
impressions. Immediate references for me are Spooks, 24 hours, and Sopranos. But in fact all those 
are much better. I remember thinking about Clooney's acting and how enjoyable it is, he is always the 
same character just doing different things, human and believable. Anyway it was better than the 
Sound of Music which my friend wanted to see. So 2 hours stuck with this was not relaxing but could 
have been.

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