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Death Proof by Quentin Tarantino

From:     films and music
Category: Films
Date:     23 September 2007
Time:     05:36 AM


Tarantino is a real artist. When you saw him being interviewed by Jonathan Ross, it became clear 
that all his weird dialogue and people,especially women, chatting, is not just some phony tactical 
coolness, but an essential part of himself. His films since Pulp Fiction have been a bit boring, and 
death proof in its elaborate referentiality, so close to contemporary art, does not disappoint with its 
lack of entertainment. A whole load of chat followed by a chase, more chat, followed by another 
chase. The end. 

And yet you feel everthing is very very carefully considered, many of the elements have some beauty 
to them in look and sound. But because the story is secondary, because you are not remotely 
magicked into caring for the characters, because it is all abstract, you do not engage and you wish it 
would end.  It seems amazing that such films as this can be made in Hollywood, the surface levels of 
sexploitation-car-chase movie, and Tarantino's previous successes, blinded the bigwigs to the fact 
QT was making a very expensive art video.

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