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A walk in Leyton

From:     Pede
Category: Life
Date:     09 September 2007
Time:     03:54 PM


Leyton. I am doing a tour of the area its seems. Today a fine walk round my new neighbourhood. I 
walked in search of a city farm I had been to before, and found a park, vibrant and fun, I wandered 
through, melancholic. There is a wild flower section at the back where there is a path dripping over 
head with clematis, these places are strange here because they are quite beautiful and quiet, a 
silence because of a lack of interest rather than the exclusivity of a grand garden where they might 
otherwize be found. A few crisp packets remind one that this may not be the best place to linger. No 
rest here. I continued through the streets, a brother and sister walked their angry dogs down the road, 
one slipped its lead and ran off after a cat, I jumped out the way (watched a documentary about 
American pit bulls the other day), and the woman ran after it. Hope the cat is good at climbing. Met a 
dog the other day who had been ripped to shreds in Sienna, a Beddlington, and had only survived 
through her submissiveness, the other dog who was attacked died. I found the farm and the park that 
surrounds it, narrowly missed being run over by a cursing cyclist - he'd just been attacked by some 
youths (he also a youth) who were just inside the park throwing food, I backtracked. Round behind the 
M&S I found yet another park, 6 tennis courts and a large play ground. A couple sat on a bench 
drinking silently (women), I sat for a while on one of the benches as boys on bmx es wizzed past. No 
chance of reverie for me.

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