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Atonement a film directed by Joe Wright

From:     movies, games, videos
Category: Films
Date:     07 September 2007
Time:     05:56 PM


Kiera Knightley is kind of mad and jerky and well suited to this posh role. The sound is like having 
your hearing aid turned up too loud, cigarettes lighting are like a rocket being lit. There are tones of 
classic war movies, like the English patient, but it never hits those heights.  It's all kind of sad, and the 
effort of talking upper class strains both actors and audiences. There's something to the film, a 
genuine sadness, which is better than the not very well moulded story, the war seems like just a walk 
in the park which is thrown in to move along the plot. Yes, something, despite all the clattery missteps.

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