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perfume of the gods

From:     Max Lunch-box
Category: Other stuff
Date:     31 July 2007
Time:     07:45 AM


I just had a can of orangina, in three gulps, followed by a bar of galaxy chocolate. Then a moment or 
two later I burped and into my mouth and out into my nasal vicinity came the EXACT aroma of Terry's 
Chocolate Orange. Wowzers! It's got me thinking about deliberately fusing what you put in, to change 
what you put out. Not that I think belching is funny or clever. It should be private, like parping in the 
channel between your lover and you as you spoon (which I am trying to stop because my wife Jess 
does not deserve it). 
But all this reminds me that when I was younger I wished that eating strawberrys made your farts smell 
like strawberrys, and so on and so forth... So that we might gift each other the ocassional fragrant fart 
at close range. I could rootle tootle a little lemon guff on my boss and he'd say "mmmm, thanks Max, 
that was delish!"

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