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Re: originality

From:     NNed Thisom
Category: Art
Date:     23 July 2007
Time:     11:44 AM


Novelty as you call originality, (which I often think would be a novel idea) is of course not the only thing that makes a piece of art 
interesting, as you say a personal or emotive touch always helps. The idea that art historical references validates work is one that 
bothers me because it's not simple reference that say, only art educated people would see, it's often blatant plagarism, that tells 
you as such, to try to validate itself. I find it lazy of the artist and encourages laziness in art writing due to an easy answer, or 
guideline for any potential reviewer. I see this kind of art too much. I expect the artists work who I see to have a certain art 
historical knowledge, afterall that is their interest. I am aware that Turks work has something to do with appropriation and celebrity, 
however, back to exhibition at hand, Turk has simply replaced Warhols image with himself, seems pretty flimsy, 

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