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rayban adverts, old street

From:     blp
Category: Consumer
Date:     19 May 2007
Time:     12:08 PM


Being cool is pathetically uncool. Rayban have now bought out both platforms of Old Street Station
to bring us this message communicated as loudly and brashly as huge black and white posters can.
Vast banal images of cool kids in Raybans rocking out, DJing, motorbiking, stage diving and base
jumping from a skyscraper decisively and unambiguously  bring it home to the herding Hoxton
massives: you are clichés and your rebellious appearance is totally, impotently collusive with the
system as it stands. Only the most vacantly switched off can have failed to get it. Presumably, that
includes Rayban's nitwit marketeers themselves.  

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