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Between Bridges - Charlotte Posenenske Series DW 15.4.07 - 24.6.07

From:     Sneezy
Category: Art
Date:     07 May 2007
Time:     05:11 AM


Time out this week has a few articles about the art world, and east end galleries using former shops 
which one barely notices as one passes down the street, Between Bridges is just such a gallery. On 
the corner of Cambridge Heath Road and Three Colts lane it just looks like a vacant building with 
nothing but the sign by the door bell to indicate that it is Between Bridges. This lack of advertising is 
perhaps countered by the fact that it is Wolfgang Tillmans' gallery, a fact that your private view invite 
will never forget to point out with the hope that the art flocks will come sheepily in the right direction. I 
always feel that showing the work of some dead once important but forgotten artist is something of a 
cop out. Some one has made the decision already and given the ok, we can revere and appreciate 
the art knowing that we are in safe hands and it doesn't matter any way because this person is going 
no where and that we are quite cool for knowing about this now obscure artist. Well I know that I am a 
bit of a philistine, and have never really had much reverence for  art already completed, dead and 
gone, and perhaps here in fact is a profound appreciation of this concrete-minimal art which this 
gallery wants to share. I annoyed a woman as I came in bumping in to her trying to avoid the large 
square cardboard tubes, which I liked and wondered whether it would be worth while trying to work 
out what it is that Posenenske wanted to change in society with her art. Up the stairs there are some 
paintings which did not further my understanding of the political impact she wanted to have but 
perhaps the video in a dark booth might have helped had I stayed to look.

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