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Re: Jerwood Contemporary Painting Prize opening 14th February

From:     blp
Category: Art
Date:     22 February 2007
Time:     11:01 AM


Nice, especially the stuff on JJ Charlesworth. What I don't get is, there are loads of people who
know quite well that the art world's become a ludicrous parody of itself, or even a parody of a
parody from, say, a mainstream US TV show from the eighties, and some of them have something to say
and say it on WWR, but none of them seem to get anywhere in the art world that might allow them to
improve the situation. Is it because, as I suspect, they know, however unconsciously, that it's not
worth trying, not because the dumbos are so totally in the ascendant, but because art itself has
reached a historically inevitable point of unsalvageability that you almost have to be a bit of a
dumbo to devote serious energy to critiquing or curating it? 'Course, it could just be that it's
easier to bellyache intelligently than actually do something intelligent, but I don't think that
quite accounts for the gulf between the intelligence of the piece above and the vapidity of
Charlysworthy et al. 

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