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Bouvard and Pecuchet by Gustave Flaubert

From:     bookie
Category: Books
Date:     21 January 2007
Time:     10:10 AM


I've always liked Flaubert and philosophical novels, like Candide. So this should have been right up 
my street. Yes Flaubert is still good, it's me that's has changed. I am bored by great minds, books, 
and ideas. I am going to be one of those old folk who only read biographies. The grand hope and 
illlusions have departed my weary body, and I am left with shitting and the mild irony of repetitions. I 
am Bouvard ( or is it the other one) before he inherits the money, not even that perhaps. At least I am 
not nostalgic,nostalgia strikes me as a stupid fallacy like racism (judging the individual by the wrong 
information or a general unproven view) in which you presume because you are unhappy about 
getting old, that everything else must be getting worse. 

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