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Europe's Largest Hand Car Wash - Saturday early afternoon

From:     Driver
Category: Life
Date:     13 January 2007
Time:     04:08 PM


Today I went to Europe's Largest Hand Car Wash. Imagine that. Europe's Largest Hand Car Wash, 
and a mere 5 minute drive from where I live. What glory for E17. E17 blood, E17.  In 5 minutes and for 
14.95 pounds they will vacuumed, polish, wax your car. They had a Christmas sale on too, air 
freshener for one pound, five pounds off car mats. They were a bit busy, and the kid (yeh I know its 
rude but he was quite young) cleaning my car got a clip on the ear for driving my car - he took that out 
on me later by telling me to hurry up. Yeh , they were really in a rush to get me through. It’s a Saturday. 
The final couple were more friendly - the ones outside - men those ones - polishing, "Are you 
English?" it’s a question I've heard before. I am. Sorry about you getting cold hands I thought, wonder 
if they use hand cream - may be not macho enough to use hand cream. May be too macho. Now my 
car has malingering smell of rotten food, dampness uplifted with a bit of air freshener and other car 
cleaning products. 

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