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I Like Tom Cruise

From:     Dawson
Category: Art
Date:     20 November 2006
Time:     03:08 AM


Read this article above which basically says that Tom Cruise's career is over because he is so nuts. 
And that this is the blaze before the candle snuffs out. 

I hope not. At least the grinning (people always say that) icon of my 80s childhood, major classics 
include Topgun, Risky Business, and ?, is stylishishly out there. Scientology sure is kooky, but who 
can't admire for him leaving prim Nicole Kidman, for prissy Katie Holmes, aka Joey from the greatest 
teen Drama EVER Dawson's shit creek. 

And then he get's married in some craphole of an Italian castle in Bracciano and has dinner with 
David Beckham the night before. What a guy! He doesn't care how uncool he is. And his wife is a foto 
taller than him. And he could have just grown old gracelessly, but no he is going to go out kicking and 

Good on ya Cruise. Fuck the bores, Brad Pitt etc, and be yourself, sometimes you just need to say 
What the fuck!.

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