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Jonathan Horowitz Rome at Sadie Coles HQ gallery London

From:     bumface
Category: Art
Date:     21 September 2006
Time:     07:21 AM


I saw a video  Horowitz made of clips from movies at the Hayward once, and liked it. I think it was him 
anyway. This show was some tourist posters, a picture of Lindsay Lohan,a video, and a few ashtrays 
on pillars. It sounds funnier written down. It's the kind of deadbeat deadpan dead contemporary 
mishmash that's so hip (hop) now. 

The press release says "Working across a variety of media, focusing on the iconic forms of antiquity - 
pillar, arch, idealized human form and concentrating on the overwhelming spectacle that defines 
the 'Fascist style', Horowitz questions its proximity to more generic trends in popular culture."

Ironic grandiose claims. Tres roman.

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