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Baudrillard to appear at Frieze Art Fair

From:     art news
Category: Art
Date:     03 August 2006
Time:     04:35 AM


"If you ask any young artist who the most important writer on sociology or philosophy is, they will tell you Baudrillard." says 
Amanda Sharp, co-organiser of the world's favourite art fair, with typical hyperbole. Any young artist will be unable to 
remember a single philosopher besides the last name they were given by their tutors. I'd be surprised if Baudrillard is more 
on their lips than Bataille, Bachillard, Botoxilard, Bacan, Boucault, Berrida, or Bristeva. 

Still I look forward to his non-appearance in this happening (ete) of this ultimate event in consumer luxury good marketing 
masquerading as a cultural jamboree.

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