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Heat wave and work

From:     lazy asss
Category: Art
Date:     19 July 2006
Time:     10:58 AM


Sittting at a computer in the office with the heat of the screen radiating out melting my sweaty flesh,  I realise work is not all 
it's cracked up to be.

My attention span is close to zero, as the temperature reaches 100.  Work even in cool conditions is damn boring, doing 
some task that has little benefit for you personally, and usually involves a a tiny amount of  thinking and a lot of time in front 
of a computer, you gradually understand that the communists and capitalists are both wrong.

Work, does not ennoble, rewards with cash what is irreplaceable: time, dulls minds, disappoints short or long term, is not 
worth the effort, is a waste, is not fulfilling, is not fun, is hateful and creepy, is shit. Let me tell you something. stop working. 
Heat or no heat. deal or no deal, work is utterly wrong and disgusting. It's a myth, like all the other stuff, so just get over it. It's 
better to be poor and degraded and a thief. 

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